
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How are you really doing?

As partners with the Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre, we are helping them with the “Be Well Survey” project. They are conducting the survey and community conversations for the following reasons:
     To collect data to understand the wellbeing needs and strengths of our communities.
      To inform decisions around local community initiatives and recruit partners for collective impact actions on determinants of health and wellbeing.
      To measure change related to health promotion and community development work.

Please tell us how you are doing by completing a Wellbeing survey.         There are many ways to complete the survey. Please complete the survey only once. Your responses are confidential.

You may fill a paper copy that is available in the emergency room waiting area or at the South Huron Medical Centre

Online Survey Link (Core Survey):
-          10 to 15 minutes to complete

Online Survey Link (Extended Survey):
-          16 to 20 minutes to complete

Community Conversations

We are also planning community conversations for July. Let’s start talking about how we’re really doing so we can create the kind of community we want for ourselves, our families and future generations. If you want more information or would like to participate, please contact Miranda Burgess.

Community Action Network

We want to make changes! We want to work with community members, community groups and agencies to make a difference in our community. We cannot do this without you. If you want more information or would like to participate, please contact Miranda Burgess.

Canadian Index of Wellbeing

The Canadian Index of Wellbeing measures quality of life in all its dimensions. The eight categories include community vitality, environment, living standards, healthy populations, education, democratic engagement, time use, as well as leisure and culture. If you would like more information about the Canadian Index of Wellbeing, visit

This survey is being managed by Miranda Burgess, RD, MPH(c) at 519-238-1556 x222 or